Wine Making

Wine Making

La verema és el punt culminant del camí vital de la vinya. Dotze mesos de paciència i treball manual i meticulós, d'atenció als petits detalls, de capvespres amb la mirada atenta a l’horitzó, d'hores i hores dedicades a la poda, a l’esporga i, en definitiva, al treball respectuós de la vinya.
Winemaking at Celler Pasanau is a process that combines tradition, respect for nature and a meticulous approach to every detail. Our commitment to organic farming does not stop at the vineyard, but extends to every phase of the production of our wines. From fermentation to aging in French oak barrels, we work so that the wine expresses its true identity, the fruit of the terroir from which it comes.
The production of our wines begins in the field, with a manual harvest that respects the optimal point of maturation of each grape. After harvesting, the grapes are transported to the winery in small boxes to avoid crushing and guarantee their integrity.
Once in the cellar, we begin the vinification process with a minimalist approach, respecting the raw material as much as possible. The grapes are destemmed and, depending on the wine we want to obtain, they undergo a gentle pressing or are left to ferment with the skins, extracting the aromas and tannins naturally.

After fermentation, it will be time to press and transfer the wine to a stainless steel tank to soften. So they will spend the winter in storage before aging in oak barrels.

Ageing in French Oak Barrels: An Art of Patience and Subtlety.

The use of French oak is no accident; its fine grain and the subtlety of its aromatic contributions perfectly complement the power and minerality of our wines, without overloading or masking their original characteristics.

Each bota in our cellar is carefully selected so that the wine can breathe and evolve slowly, allowing the tannins to soften and the complex aromas to develop. The oak adds subtle notes of spices, always respecting the fruity and mineral essence of our wine.

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